Life with out Oil♥

May 19, 2010


Now is our time to save our world is time to do something!Is time for our voice to be heard,During all this time that i have done this project i have learned many new things that i never knew before.For example i learned that MAKE Up is uses of oil that schoked me the most also the other thing that suprise me was the petroleum ,some of the medecine is made of petroleum that suprise me very cool that we trying to learn many things because that how we learn new things that we never know!
In my neiirbohodd my neirboors are loosing their house and also they are loosing their jobs and they are worry that they are not going to survive and how they are going to pay the house!that is so sad that they are passing by this!many people depend on oil with food!and more!i think that they should not depend on it that much !

May 12, 2010

Out of business!!

The problem of shortage has been going on!Have you Noticed!Have you been affect it! Well thank god that i have not been effect yet but i have noticed that many of compnies and smaller boutiquee and specialty funiture and market stores \ have been closed down! here in my neighborhood there there are many market stores thats has been closed down because their product are not goignt to be shiping* ! Factories are now closing because they do not have alot of oil to run the machines and that makes the factories clossed down so that makes people loose their jobs and makes people get worried and because they will not have money to survive and makes them get worried because they are not going to have job to get money in order to survive.